University Education
University of Fribourg, 2021.
Title: Weltverhältnis und Weltverlust. Versuch über Skepsis und Metaphysik der Modalität [Relation to the World and Its Loss. Essay on Scepticism and Metaphysics of Modality]
Committee: Prof. Dr. G. Soldati; Prof. Dr. R. Bader; Prof. Dr. T. Rosefeldt; Prof. Dr. G. Hindrichs
Grade: Summa Cum Laude
Abstract: I investigate two areas in which our mind’s relation to objects is problematic: perception and the ontological argument. I maintain that the threat posed by Cartesian scepticism relies on a transcendental understanding of metaphysical modality, which ought to be rejected in favour of a worldly view. As to the ontological argument, I argue that its viability depends on an understanding of ontological statuses as descriptive properties of objects, which criticise. I rely on Descartes, Baumgarten and Kant to develop my philosophical views.
University of Basel, 2015
Grade: Summa Cum Laude
University of Basel, 2012
Grade: Summa Cum Laude
Academic Positions
Department of Philosophy
Faculty Sponsor: Prof. T. Rosefeldt
Department of Philosophy
Faculty Sponsor: Prof. D. Hogan
01 – 03/2022.
Project on the history of Swiss Philosophy (“Geschichte der Schweizer Philosophie”)
SNSF-Project “Being Without Foundations”
2015-2019 & 2020-2021
Chair for Modern and Contemporary Philosophy (Prof. Dr. G. Soldati)
Department of Philosophy
Faculty Sponsor: Prof. C. Peacocke
Chair for History of Philosophy (Prof.s E. Angehrn & G. Hindrichs)
For a paper under review.
Awarded yearly for best Masters’ thesis in philosophy.
2023-2025 (24 months)
Grant for research stay at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, and Humboldt University, Berlin
Project: Kant’s Theory of Objects
Sponsors: Prof. D. Hogan, Prof. T. Rosefeldt
Funder: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
2019-2020 (12 months)
Grant for research stay at Columbia University, New York (NY)
Project: Necessary Being
Sponsor: Prof. C. Peacocke
Funder: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)
2022 (3 months), with Dr. P. Blum.
Research grant for 1 postdoc and 3 student assistants.
Project: History of Swiss Philosophy
Funder: Forschungskommission, University of Lucerne
2021 – 2023: Swiss Philosophy (with P. Blum)
ETH Zurich, Congressi Stefano Franscini
2017 – 2018: ‘Was ist Geist? What is Mind? Qu’est-ce que l’ésprit?’, Swiss Society for Philosophy Conference (with G. Hindrichs & M.N. Sommer)
Swiss Academy for the Arts and Sciences (SAGW);
Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft, Basle;
Max Geldner Foundation, Basle;
Canadian Council for the Arts;
University of Basle; Music Academy, Basle
2015 – 2016: ‘Negative Dialektik – Archäologie eines Konzepts nach 50 Jahren’ (with M.N. Sommer)
Swiss National Science Foundation;
Freiwillige Akademische Gemeinschaft, Basle;
Max Geldner Foundation, Basle
2018 – 2019: Das Ärgernis der Philosophie. Metaphysik in Adornos Negativer Dialektik , by Berta Hess-Cohn Foundation, Basle (with M.N. Sommer)
Service to the Profession
History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis
Lake Geneva Graduate Conference
Member of the Editorial Committee of Dialectica (since 2021)
Editor of the book-review section of Studia Philosophica (2017-2019)
University of Fribourg
Coordination, ‘Philosophy for non-philosophers’ programme (2017 – 2021)
Council of the Department of Philosophy, representative of mid-level faculty (2016 – 2019)
Appointment committee, representative of mid-level faculty (2018 – 2019)
Structure committee, representative of mid-level faculty (2018)
University of Basel
Council of the Faculty of Arts, student representative (2012 – 2014)
Appointment committee, student representative (2012 – 2013)
Expert, Matura exams in philosophy, Gymnasium Oberwil (since 2017)
Member of the advisory board, Philosophical Society Basel (since 2014)
American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie
North American Kant Society (NAKS)
Experience and Reason (ExRe), University of Fribourg
Société de philosophie analytique (SoPhA)
Philosophische Gesellschaft, Basle
Extra-Academic Work experience
04/2022 – 07/2023
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), unit “National Centres of Competence in Research”
2011 – 2015
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Basler Zeitung, TagesWoche
2012 – 2015
Philosophical Academy, Lucerne